January 3, 2011

Fine. I'll Make Some Resolutions.

I am generally a positive thinker-bright side-little Miss Sunshine-everything will be okay-of course it will work-type of person. I make no apologies. It's what works for me. But honestly? New Year Resolutions make my stomach twist.
So naturally, I was putting this off. But yesterday I kept thinking of things I should probably work on, and I know if I don't write them down I will forget the goals I actually think I have a shot at. So here you are, in black and white, embedded into bloggy archival memory for all the world to see. I give you permission to ask me at any time, "Hey, Krista, how's that dinner menu going for ya?" I reserve the right to not answer.

~Begin a new book (NEW, I say), and have 50,000 words by the end of April.

~Finish above book.

~Study the weekly New Testament reading assignments for Sunday School.

~Make a dinner menu plan, however skeletal, each week.

~Devote more energy to blog and followers. *waves*

~Work out twice a week.

~Make a book trailer.

~Spend more time with my kids. (All of us on our laptops in the same room doesn't count.)


There! Happy? Notice I didn't include "remember birthdays" this year. I've given up on that one. Let it go.

And Happy Birthday.


Norma Rudolph said...

Good luck with the dinner menu thing. I've tried that but it never works for me. Starting a new book? That sounds like fun.
See you Wednesday.

Annette Lyon said...

I should probably put that last one on my list.

Shari said...

That really sounds like me this year! I am really disappointed to hear that family time doesn't include being in the same room doing our own thing. ;)

Krista said...

Ha, Shari, my son just looked at that one and said, "Well then THAT'S not gonna happen." Niiiice.

Shanda said...

That's a really great list of resolutions. I haven't made resolutions for YEARS. That stomach twisting thing? Yeah. I know it.

I need to be a little more "free-flowing" with my goals. HOWEVER, I have decided (might I say *gulp* "resolved") to be more formal with those free-flowing goals and get them written down into workable plans.

Here's to 2011 (even if it is already kicking my hiney only 3 days in!)

PS- I haven't forgotten about our BIG WINNER. :) Email LDSWBR (ldswbr(at)gmail(dot)com) from the email address where you'd like me to send your $$, lucky lady!

Shanda :)

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