April 4, 2011

Monday Mess: Why Oh Why Oh Why . . .

My husband is out of town on a business trip. The kids are in bed. I've just listened to my favorite writing podcasts, here and here, and now I'm going to begin reading Dan Well's trilogy finale, I DON'T WANT TO KILL YOU. And the wind is roaring outside my bedroom window.
I have to put the dog to bed first, because if he barks at whatever tiny noise he hears (like the neighbor's bedroom door closing) I'm going to jump right to the ceiling and cling to the fan for dear life.

And you can't talk me out of it. Why? Because I just heard a little spoiler about the romantic thread in the book.

You heard me.

I'm a sucker for romance.

It could be the death of me.


Maggie said...

Ooh Krista, I know how that Cody wind can howl... Enjoy your book!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I've only read the first in the series so far but I've read it over and over. Deliciously chilling! Enjoy!

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