October 30, 2013

When it Rains, it Pours

We are somewhat, kinda-sorta moved in to our new house in Washington! Time for a post, don't you think?

So much news and so little time. I have a window of 20 minutes between now and taking my son to school (I've already taken my daughter to her bus stop and picked Jacob up from early morning seminary--it's a late-start day for him YAY) and then I work out and then I leave for my chiropractor appointment (an hour both ways to my brother's office but better than 12 hours and totally worth it), and then I will be tackling a large stack of adoption paperwork, and then going to get 4 pumpkins to please get carved before Halloween so we look somewhat normal (as opposed to carving them after Halloween and looking lame).

THE INN has a new title! Dear Readers, I give you .. .... . . . . ......  . . .. (that's a drum roll)

Falling for You
by Krista Lynne Jensen

Three reasons I love this change: 1) The story is set in Autumn. Everything is falling: leaves, rain, snow, our characters...2) Waterfalls. 3) It sounds like a romance. Which it definitely is.

I'm very pleased. I'm also excited to announce that the final edits have been sent in and FALLING FOR YOU is with the copy editor RIGHT NOW. Time to gear up for some contests, don't you think? Honestly, this story is my favorite so far. I was eager for THE ORCHARD to be released so we could get this sequel out. You are going to love Elizabeth's story.


THE ORCHARD has received a really great review in the Deseret News HERE. But here's a snippet:
"Teenage fiction authors have found a niche in spinning Jane Austen’s timeless romances, and Krista Lynne Jensen’s delicate adaptation of “Persuasion” enlightens the genre." And, "...her interesting take on “Persuasion” is a welcomed, beautifully crafted and fresh addition to the Jane Austen adaptation genre."

I like it. I didn't even know I was writing teenage fiction! I'm diverse that way...

Along with this, I'm happy to see that THE ORCHARD is at #11 on the Deseret Books Romance list, and OF GRACE AND CHOCOLATE still hovers around #6! Hooray!


Yesterday I sent in the edits for my contribution to Covenant(my publisher)'s new romance anthology (yet to be titled). My story does have a title, though. It's called HANGING BY A MOMENT. The story is mainly set on a rented pontoon yacht in the British Virgin Islands.  I LOVE THIS SHORT STORY. I just do. I really hope you do, too. My story will be alongside the fabulous ANITA STANSFIELD's romantic offering, and one more author whose name I have not been given yet. If you know who you are, raise your hand. Hi!

AND... (okay here I have to leave because it's time to run boy-child to school. BRB.)

I'm back...to announce that I've been invited to be part of another anthology! Heather B. Moore, Annette Lyon, and Sarah M. Eden have asked me to write a short romance for their amazing Timeless Romance Anthology series. This is an e-book series and it's been doing very well and I'm just honored to be asked to take part in the next installment. To find out a little more about this collection, see and like their Facebook page HERE. I'm excited to get working on my story idea. I have butterflies.


Thanks for asking. It's a little crazy, and a little kaPOW:


KAPOW. February is going to be off the hook.

Did I say that right?

Uh, hello? Perfect month for romantic overload. So prepare to splurge. That's all I'm saying.

Now, I must go. I must get on my treadmill as my dear brother chiropractor has instructed me to, and strengthen my healing back injury. My first grandbaby is coming and I need to be able to hold her for a really really long time. My Gramma skills are going to be off the hook.

Make the day count, lovelies!

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